I have know this sweet girl for TEN years! We got married within a month of each other. Our husbands were in each other’s weddings. So trust me when I say that I was STOKED when she said she wanted me to do her session for her. The second I knew I was coming back down to Florida (which happens 2-3 times a year until we’re stationed there again), I let her know and we scheduled a time for while I had an AirBNB in Pensacola. The city has a plethora of really beautiful and unique homes that are the perfect environment for unique images for my clients.

Here’s what G had to say about her experience:

“In the past, I’ve always seen Manda’s posts about boudoir photo shoots, but had also put it off as something “not for me.” However, our 15 year anniversary of me and my husband’s dating life was approaching, and on facebook I saw that Manda would be in town local to where I was (I had been living up in Alaska super far, but now down in Florida).

As a mother of 3, and pregnant and/or nursing what feels like the last 5-6 years straight, I had never felt “sexy” enough to do something like this, let alone have those type of clothes (hello sports bras and nursing bras). I was under the impression that you needed lots of skimpy-type corsettes, stockings…you know the “naughty store” clothes. What I found was that it was all about YOU and YOUR personality. I found that my favorite photos were simple headshots and implied nude photos (not to say I didn’t also love my others).

From the moment I got to the shoot I felt at ease. I’m usually make-up free with hair in a ponytail (with kids in tote), so the idea of getting “done up” was exciting, but also a bit worrisome as to how I would look…would I look silly? Again what I found was stylists who were incredible at matching my personality and bringing it out into my hair and make up as to compliment ME in the photos.

Manda made the actual shoot so much fun and relaxed. She walked me through where to put my arms, hands, smile, everything. There was such a variety of poses and looking at the photos, she was incredible at highlighting the best features and bringing out great photos that make you feel proud of how you look!

I know I was a bit nervous before because not having the right clothes, or being fit enough YET, or looking my ideal way, however, I found that I was super happy that I decided to do it NOW. The photos made me realize that although its great to want to continue to improve my health and fitness, that I can be proud of my current body and life!!”

My favorite part of this is that G realized that loving her body as it was in the moment was the whole point of this experience. I will always encourage my friends and clients to be HEALTHY, but beyond that, your looks don’t dictate whether or not you will KILL IT in front of the camera. I constantly preach about not letting your fitness goals be an excuse for not doing your session as soon as you can and if you’re in my private group on Facebook (www.facebook.com/groups/exquisitesessions), you’ll that it’s hard for me, too, but I practice that same pursuit of self love – even when I just don’t feel like it.

So think about it. What’s holding you back? Let’s chat and start rebuilding your confidence together.

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Ready to face your own discomfort?

I know that boudoir is daunting. I’ll hold your hand throughout the whole experience. Let’s talk about creating your dream photoshoot!